“As part of our mission to expand our pupils’ horizons and deepen their understanding, trips and visits form an important part of their learning journey”

Field trips and excursions are an important part in a student’s life. The purpose of the trip is to educate the students with real life applications. These trips provide students with greater lessons for life like sharing, caring, management skills and being independent. All the classes enjoy this benefit.

Field trips are a highlight of the school year for most of the children. Field trips are learning experiences. So, venturing into the public allows children to feel actual experiences. It also helps students get hands-on learning to be exposed to different situations.

At MES School children are taken out for field trips every term accompanied by staff. Educational tours are also of great importance as they not only broaden our outlook but enhance our knowledge to a great extent. That is why our students always look forward for such moments impatiently..